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AFROSHINE AWARDS Nomination Form - signalezcongo
Home » AFROSHINE AWARDS Nomination Form


Publié par signalezcongo

If you wish to nominate someone for an award , please fill the form below.

The Afropreneurs Summit Australia also includes an award and recognition segment to recognise excellence in two specific areas , namely entrepreneurship and authorship. These awards seek to recognise individual entrepreneurs who have demonstrated a high level of excellence and achievement in their business or social enterprise endeavours.

This program focuses on showcasing entrepreneurship innovation throughout the diverse Afro-Australian community around Australia. As more and more individuals embrace entrepreneurship (both commercial and social) it is important to highlight the successes of such individuals and create role models for other people, especially our youth who need to see what success looks like from older members of the community.

Once your nomination is submitted, you will receive an email from AMA within 10 days confirming your nomination. Self nomination is also accepted, but it is subject to a very stringent assessment process . Ensure you contact us at info@signalezcongo.net or info@afropreneurssumit.com.au if you do not receive an acknowledgment email within 10 days. 

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Organization (if applicable)

    Nominee's Name(required)

    Nominee's Information
    Phone number, email address etc (required)

    Reason for Nomination Work Accomplished/Profile etc (required)

    Award Categories(required)

    Comments/Additional information
    (describe the reasons behind your nomination-300 words max)